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More About Lympoedema

Primary lymphoedema is caused by abnormal development of the lymphatic vessels. Swelling may be present at birth or may develop later, particularly during times of hormonal change such as puberty or pregnancy.


Secondary lymphoedema is most commonly caused by damage to or blockage of, your lymphatic system due to surgery where lymph nodes are removed, radiotherapy, trauma, infection, filariasis and obesity, and can occur at any time.  Once established, lymphoedema cannot be cured, but it can be managed.

Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System is a network of organs, vessels and tissues that are a vital part of our immune system, protecting us from infection and destroying old cells we no longer need.  It is also our drainage system helping to absorb fats and soluble vitamins and moves a colourless watery fluid called lymph back into our circulatory system (bloodstream), therefore maintaining normal fluid levels in our bodies.

At-Risk Patients

At-risk patients can receive a baseline measurement before treatment and then be measured regularly after treatment.  An L-Dex increase of 6.5 or more is an indication that lymphoedema is developing, and intervention is needed.


A recent meta-analysis (50 lymphoedema studies with over 67,000 patients)  studied breast cancer-related lymphoedema and analysed the impact of prospective monitoring and intervention.  It showed that using L-Dex rather than  traditional limb circumference monitoring, lead to an 81% lower rate of development of chronic lymphoedema.

Seek an assessment by a lymphoedema physiotherapist early!

Management of Lymphoedema

While lymphoedema can not be cured, it may be possible to keep it under control with treatment consisting of:

  • Education

  • Skin care - keeping your skin in good condition and reducing the chance of infection

  • Tailored compression garments - worn to help with swelling

  • Exercise - moving about regularly and exercise, such as walking or resistance training

  • Manual lymphatic drainage - specialised massage treatment

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