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L-Dex Score

An L-Dex score represents the difference in the amount of extracellular fluid in an at-risk limb compared to an unaffected limb.  A normal L-Dex score is between -10 and +10. The L-Dex score helps your healthcare provider know if you are getting lymphoedema before you feel any signs or symptoms. It is measured using the SOZO device.

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Bioimpedence Spectroscopy

Bioimpedence Spectroscopy (BIS) using a Sozo machine or a Lymphscanner, identifies changes in fluid levels before they can be detected in clinic. The device sends a low-level electrical signal (you do not feel this) through the body. As lymphoedema develops, the amount of fluid will increase, making it easier for the signal to travel though the extracellular fluid of the body.



Compression therapy supports and improves mechanisms responsible for maintaining lymphatic drainage and restores proper microcirculation, also influencing skin health. Compression products include arm sleeves, medical stockings, wraps and bandages. It is commonly included in the complex treatment of oedema prevention and management.

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Low Level Laser

Used for treatment, Low Level Laser (photobiomodulation or PBM therapy) is administered via a handheld device operating at a wavelength of 904 nanometers. It works by converting light into biochemical energy stimulating normal cell function (like photosynthesis), helping with the management of lymphoedema, and surgical and radiation scar tissue. Local reactions are followed by systemic effects as the photo-products are carried by the blood and lymphatic systems around the body, and the photo mediated neuro responses take effect.

Shoulder Acupuncture


Acupuncture involves insertion of fine, sterile needles into various points on the body – these can be left in situ for up to 30 minutes while the patient rests. Needling may produce sensations of numbness, achy heaviness, tingling, pressure, warmth and a spreading/ radiation of sensations – this is not usually described as uncomfortable. 

Numerous studies of acupuncture suggest that the effect of acupuncture is primarily based on stimulation to and the responses of the neuroendocrine system involving the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Acupuncture is considered a safe and effective adjuvant treatment for symptoms of cancer and side-effects associated with cancer treatments such as nausea, fatigue, sleep disturbance, anxiety and mood disorders.

Shoulder Acupuncture

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